As we roll up to the holiday season….You might reflect upon back upon 2016:
Your Successes & the things that have gone your way
Your Learnings – whether it’s from:
- achieving goals that you’d set
- discovering a new or better way of doing something
- a realisation that is helping you grow in new ways
- things that haven’t gone your way but you’ve learnt something
- adventures that have taken you in directions you might not have imagined!
Your Gratitude for those things that are most important to you in life. These can be:
- people you’ve had in your life or spent time with
- places you’ve been
- things you’ve experienced
- anything that has had you connecting with what you value most
And Gratitude is so powerful because it can keep you focused and get you more motivated. (And it can also help ease pain).
Knowing those things you value most in your life can really connect you to what you’d like more of in 2017.
So imagine peeking into your ideal 2017 and start imagining what experiences or wonders you might like to live or delight in, and of course the people you might like to spend time with too…whether they be friends, family or welcoming new connections that can help you become more appreciative for a life you can enjoy even better.
And perhaps we'll get a chance to connect too..