Chronic Pain
How to Get on the Road to Freedom
I’ve just caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror – eyes red and puffy, face a bit blotchy - I’ve had a bit of a cry. Now for anyone who knows me, that’s pretty unusual – I don’t overtly display my emotions like that! But you see I just found a diary I wrote some years ago and read some of my scrawled entries:
“I just want to curl up and die”
“Why is this happening to me – will I ever be able live my life normally like everyone else…I’m such a failure”
“Here we go again – I can’t do this anymore, my life is over”
On and on go the pages of despair written in red ink.
I’m crying because the suffering went on needlessly for almost 10 years of my life…
If you’re suffering with chronic pain, then you’ll probably be familiar with what I was going through - the feelings of sheer hopelessness, the worrying about the future, the frustration that you can’t enjoy your life like others around you, fear of doing things as it might worsen the pain, the exhaustion or just feeling weak, fed up with trying one medication or treatment after another with little or no relief. Oh, and the anger! Anger at those who just don’t get it and people who say “Oh you look great though”, and maybe at times anger at yourself for not doing better…
FAST FORWARD 9 YEARS: That’s how long it’s been since I got on the road to freedom – leaving the debilitating pain that left my life on hold for almost a decade, behind me. 2017 is going to be my 10 year anniversary of freedom! Yay!
But that’s not the end of the story. Because you know what, all that suffering back then – it didn’t need to take a decade for me to get better, if only I knew then what I know now.
And recently I had an unexpected opportunity to test out how quickly change is possible…
I’ve been working one-to-one and helping people break free from the shackles of persistent pain for a good few years now. The more I worked with people, other specialists and pain research scientists, the more I saw an even more effective way of helping others live again, even better. I put everything I knew into creating what I called THE BREAK THROUGH PAIN PROGRAMME. It was set to launch earlier this year. But then…
I had to step back from work for a good chunk of time due to a prolonged and massively challenging family emergency. In the midst of it all something happened that completely knocked me..
EVERY PAIN I’d ever experienced returned AT ONCE with an intensity that meant I could barely move, apart from breathe, without painful feedback.
I had been expecting that all the stress might take its toll but this: I had sciatica down my legs, sudden electric nerve firing sensations in my lower and middle back, pelvic and abdominal burning, inflamed knuckles, toe joints, ankles, knees and spine. To top it off I also had a migraine. Yikes!
But this was different from all those years ago when I felt helpless. This time I had the power - I had the unshakeable belief I would get better. I put myself through the Break Through Pain Programme that I’d created and been set to launch earlier in the year. Now of course I’m really familiar with all the stuff that’s in there so I was able to fast-track myself through! With everything I already knew about pain biology, I allowed myself to believe that I’d probably get better sooner than I might think.
What happened next however, was simply astounding..
24 HOURS LATER I was able to walk fine. 48 hours later, everything had eased and I was able to RUN (for a bus)!
Ok so I’ve come a long way…from suffering all that time ago for almost 10 years, to using what I know now to help myself within 2 DAYS. This recent episode left me with the certainty that I need to share my knowledge with those that need it most. Anyone suffering with pain deserves the freedom and peace, and multitude of beautiful emotions I’m feeling right now writing this.
So my Break Through Pain Programme starts in January 2017. (I am really excited)!! It’s not for everyone and I have limited places available, which means I can only take people on that are absolutely ready.
IS IT RIGHT FOR YOU? From what you've read so far, I reckon you might have some questions! So if you'd like to:
- find out more and have your questions answered
- see whether the Programme can help you get on the route to freedom from suffering, or freedom to start doing more of the things you want
- start to understand some of the things that worsen your pain and other things that can ease your symptoms safely
Book your complimentary 40 minute consultation with me
Just click the button below which will take you to my diary
If you can't find an available time that works for you, you can either CONTACT ME HERE or feel free to phone me on 020 8798 3571. I look forward to hearing from you!
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